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Henri Cartier Bresson’s theory of the Decisive Moment requires constant vigilance and the continual schlepping of equipment, but there is nothing as gratifying as getting the shot you feel you missed if you didn’t carry a camera.  These gems are everywhere, they last for only a minute, so if you miss it, you don’t get a second chance.  They are random glimpses, too disparate to coalesce into anything other than what they are, just observations on the world we live in.


I have always been fond of photographing quiet places, often devoid of living bodies, but now and then I am photographing a scene when a small indication of a person arrives in the space I’m photographing. I find this to be incredibly interesting, as this glimpse of life doesn’t really intrude, just makes itself known; a tiny “I’m here!” in an otherwise placid scene.


It is to the visible, to images, that man turns for a radical testimony of his own being, his own nature.                                                   Emanuele Coccia