Several years ago, I had a solo show entitled The World in My Eye.  For me, it described why I do what I do.  My camera is an extension of my sight.  I see something, and click, I can take it home with me.  Many of these images never make it past the proofing process, but more often than not, what I see is what I get.  I don’t bracket, I don’t make shot after shot of the same street, doorway, statue, or solitary figure.  I figure that if I was meant to get the shot, I would have gotten it in one attempt – why waste film?  (and yes, much of my work is still shot on film, making me a dinosaur of sorts – as long as they make it, I will use it!) And even when I shoot digital, I follow my same rule of not wasting shots, just as I do when shooting analog.


I have had the greatest of all blessings because my eye and my camera became the world’s window to this magnificent life. Howard Bingham